
Revolutionize Your Bench Press: Exploring 10 Variations


In the world of strength training, the bench press stands as a quintessential exercise, celebrated for its unparalleled ability to build upper body strength and muscle mass. However, even the most dedicated athletes can find themselves stuck on a plateau, halting progress despite consistent effort.

This stagnation often signals the need for a change in routine. This concept holds particularly true for those who have been benching traditionally for months or even years. Incorporating variations into your bench press routine not only combats the boredom of repetition but also addresses muscle imbalances and enhances overall performance.

Exploring different techniques, especially during deload or back-off weeks, allows you to reignite your motivation, challenge your muscles in new ways, and continue making significant gains.

1. Slow-Tempo Press

The slow-tempo press demands patience and precision, focusing on maintaining tension and control throughout the lift. This method significantly increases time under tension, a critical factor for muscle growth.

2. 1.5-Rep Bench Press

This variation alters the standard bench press by introducing a half-repetition from the bottom to the midpoint of the lift, effectively doubling the challenge with each full rep.

The 1.5-rep method emphasizes control and endurance, requiring a pause at the chest, a partial lift, a return to the chest, and finally, a full extension. This technique intensifies the workout by allowing for more time under tension and placing the muscle at a longer stretch.

3. Larsen Press

Underutilized and challenging, the Larsen press makes the conventional bench press more difficult by extending the legs straight out on the floor, completely removing leg drive from the equation.

This variation intensely focuses on the lifter’s core and upper body strength, demanding extraordinary stability and control. Ideal for those looking to advance their bench press technique and upper body power, the Larsen press serves as a stern test of pure pressing ability.

4. Fat Grip (or Bar) Press

Introducing a “fatter” grip, either through a fat bar or attachments like Fat Gripz, significantly changes the bench press’s dynamics. This variation helps distribute weight differently, potentially easing joint discomfort and fostering a healthier lifting posture.

The altered grip can also improve grip strength and more intensively activate surrounding muscles, including those in the rotator cuff and shoulders.

5. Floor Press

A precursor to the bench press, the floor press restricts the range of motion, focusing the effort on the triceps and chest without the bench’s full depth.

This limitation means your triceps touch the ground before your chest does, providing a unique stimulus that can improve strength and muscle growth in these areas. The floor press is beneficial for those looking to enhance their lockout strength.

6. Supramaximal Negatives or Eccentrics

Eccentric training, or focusing on the lowering phase of the lift, allows lifters to handle weights heavier than their one-rep max, leading to increased strength and muscle development. Supramaximal negatives emphasize control and power, enhancing the eccentric phase’s muscle-building potential.

This approach improves musculo-tendinous resilience and improves overall performance and injury prevention by fostering greater awareness and control over the lift.

7. Reverse Band Press

The reverse band press uses bands looped around each end of the barbell and anchored above to assist the lift, especially from the bottom up. This setup reduces the weight at the bottom of the lift, allowing for a stronger lockout phase.

The kinetic energy stored in the stretched bands helps accelerate the bar upwards, creating a unique challenge that enhances the mid-to-end range of motion, making it an excellent tool for developing lockout strength and overcoming sticking points.

8. Hanging Band Press

By attaching bands to each end of the barbell with weights hanging from them, the hanging band press introduces an unparalleled level of instability. This variation demands extreme control and muscle engagement to counteract the sway and bounce of the weights.

It’s a supreme test of stability, requiring the lifter to engage a wide array of muscles to maintain form and complete the press, thus enhancing overall strength and balance.

9. Board Press

The board press modifies the bench press by shortening the range of motion, focusing specifically on the lockout phase. By placing boards of varying thicknesses on the chest, lifters can target their triceps and the final push more intensively, allowing for heavier loads and specialized strength development.

This variation is particularly beneficial for improving the lockout strength. It can be a strategic addition during competitive seasons to manage stress and reduce injury risk.

10. Paused Press

Incorporating a pause at the bottom of the bench press forces lifters to halt the momentum of the lift, addressing weaknesses at the lift’s bottom. This variation enhances shoulder stability, isometric strength, and control, eliminating reliance on the stretch reflex for initiating the upward phase.

The paused press is a staple for powerlifters looking to improve their competition performance. Still, it offers significant benefits to all lifters, including improved form and increased strength through the most challenging parts of the lift.


Integrating these ten bench press variations into your training routine can rejuvenate your workouts, challenge your muscles in new ways, and increase strength.

Whether you’re a seasoned powerlifter or a fitness enthusiast looking to spice up your workout, these variations offer something for everyone. By incorporating new techniques and challenging your muscles from different angles, you can ensure steady progress, avoid plateaus, and keep your workouts exciting and effective.

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