
Looking At : Jun 9 2024


Straight to the Bar

Looking At : Jun 9 2024

Binoculars At Echo Point, Blue Mountains
Echo Point, Blue Mountains.During the past week we’ve discussed a number of great links; on Facebook, X (Formerly Twitter) and so on. here are a few of my favourites.

  • Glowing Dye May Help Surgeons Eradicate Prostate Cancer : Wonderful.
  • Genetic Test For Motor Neurone Disease Offered To Relatives : Sounds great – sort of.
  • Act As If You’ll Live To 500 – How I’m Living In Light Of AI (David Shapiro) : Very interesting thinking (and I agree entirely) on the idea of ‘how you’d like to live‘.
  • Long-Term Use Of ADHD Medications (Both Stimulants Like Methylphenidate And Non-Stimulants Like Atomoxetine) Improve Long-Term Cognitive Function : Nice one.
  • At-Home Screening (In The US) For Simpler, Much More Private Cervical Cancer Diagnosis : Would love to see the ‘at-home screening‘ used for many, many conditions.

We also discussed : António Guterres (Secretary-General of the UN) urges governments to prohibit fossil fuel advertising; The longevity research X-Prize and a whole lot more.

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NB : If X (Formerly Twitter) is more your style, you’ll be pleased to know that the newsletter is also available there. Enjoy.

This post first appeared on Straight to the Bar. Written by Scott Bird.