
How to Set Goals for Walking


Ready to increase your walking time and distance? Here’s how to set realistic and fun goals.

My love for walking began when I started my weight loss journey. It was one of the only things I could do for physical activity. I started small and worked my way up over time.

As my love for walking grew, I became known as the girl who walked everywhere in my small rural town.

But I didn’t start out walking 6 miles at a time. I started out walking 5 or 10 minutes at a time.

Once I built up a base level of endurance, I began setting goals to walk a certain time or distance. Just like setting any goal, there are some guidelines that can help you to set walking goals that are more achievable.

Before setting a goal, take it to the Lord in prayer so He can help you set the most achievable goal.

Proverbs 16:9 says “The heart of man plans his ways, but the Lord establishes his steps.” 

Before setting a goal, take it to the Lord in prayer.

Mandy Palmer

Once you’ve sought guidance from the Lord, use the following guidelines to help you write a goal statement.

How to set goals for walking - positive, personal, possible, and specific


Your goal statement should be positive, stating what you will do instead of what you won’t do. Avoid phrases such as “I won’t” or “I want to.” 

Instead, use positive phrases such as, “I will walk 10 minutes every day after supper” or “Next month, I will walk one mile four times a week.”

Then, you can revisit and adjust your goals as your endurance and strength increase.


Your goal should be personal to you. Not just personal in the sense of something you can personally achieve, but also something you really want to achieve. 

Have you ever tried to do something or learn something someone else wanted you to do? 

I think about when I was little and my mom wanted me to learn piano or when I tried to play softball because my sister did. I didn’t have much personal interest in either of these, so I didn’t spend my time practicing them. As a result, I also never became good at either of them. 

However, when a goal is something personal that you want to achieve, you are more likely to spend your resources, time and money, on working towards those goals.


Your goal should be possible.

It would be very unrealistic to walk a marathon next month after years of little to no physical activity. That’s just not possible or wise.

Identify your current physical capability and set a realistic goal from there. Start with shorter distances or times and work your way up as you build endurance.


Your goal statement should be specific.

There should be no doubt to anyone who might read it what you are trying to achieve. Be sure to include the who, what, when, and where.

For example; I will complete the town’s 5k on the Fourth of July within 45 minutes or under.

Anyone reading this goal knows who will complete the goal, when it will be completed, where it will take place, and the time it will take to reach the goal.

If you have three months to prepare for the 5k, you could make smaller monthly goals using the same principles to help you reach the larger goal.


Finally, tell someone else about your goal.

The Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5:11 that we should encourage one another and build one another up.

Accountability goes a long way in helping us reach our goals. Accountability partners can help in various ways, such as physically walking with us, spiritually praying for us, and/or mentally cheering us on and checking in on our progress. 

Once you have written your goal statement, it’s time to get moving! No goal is ever reached if you don’t put the plan into action.

Mandy Palmer is a certified ACE health coach and Revelation Fitness Instructor (Platoon 31). She shares her personal wellness journey online at  ”Faith Fueled Wellness” to bring hope and encouragement to other women.

We’ll Help You Achieve Your Walking Goals

The Love Paced Race has walking plans, resources, and biblical encouragement for your walking goals — anywhere from a 5k to a full marathon.

This unique training program is designed to equip people of all backgrounds and body abilities to complete a race at a pace that isn’t about striving, performing, or achieving a personal best. This is about having fun while achieving a God-sized goal and making Christ known.

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#210 Reving the Word: Take a Walk

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